Social Insurance Diploma (SID)

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IT Systems
Financial Regulations
Actuarial Education


The Social Insurance Diploma Program aims at building human capacity for institutions and businesses in the Arab World to contribute in designing, administering & reforming adequate & viable pillars of social protection systems.

The Social Insurance Diploma program is intended for the following audiences:

– Managers & staff of pension funds, retirement benefit schemes & social security institutions

– Employees of insurance companies

– Training units in national social security institutions

– Representatives of key ministries involved in the development& administration of social protection, such as the ministry of Labor, Health, Social Affairs, Planning & Finance

– Social partners & other non-governmental organizations concerned with social protection

Program Details

Aimed at introducing the attendee to Social Insurance benefits, schemes and designs, this course will go through the history and philosophy of Social Insurance schemes and will explain the workings behind the different Social Security designs. It will also provide a brief explanation on the organizational framework of Social Insurance administration including management, political, legal, actuarial, benefits, financing and investment considerations. Finally it will introduce and discuss the problems facing social security and pension schemes in the Arab World in particular.

Proper administration and IT systems are central to the efficient management and operations of a Social Insurance scheme. Moreover, proper information management is of great added-value to decision makers in regards to their day-to-day as well as longer term strategic responsibilities. The module will go through management and organizational considerations, contribution administration and collection and benefit administration, as well as IT System and data management issues such as the importance of proper data management, the different IT solutions and alternatives, important features for an IT administration system and how to use information to acquire knowledge.

Aimed at introducing the attendee to retirement benefits and schemes from a more technical point of view, the module presents the information needed in, and the process of an actuarial valuation of these schemes.  Additionally, it familiarizes the attendee with the actuary and the different roles they play in and around retirement benefits schemes. The attendee will be exposed, through workshops and case studies, to the main mechanisms of retirement benefits schemes and the actuarial valuation of their assets and liabilities

This module is aimed at introducing the attendee to the financing methods of Social Insurance schemes such as General Revenue financing, Pay-As-You-Go financing, pre-funding or partial funding, as well as to the investment strategies and issues of social insurance funds. Additionally, it familiarizes the attendee to the importance of investment, its objectives, as well as the main related issues: Risk/return tradeoffs of different investment categories, Investment opportunities in the Gulf and the world, constraints on investments (legal, liquidity requirements, national economy, etc), alternative investment strategies and portfolio diversification, Asset Liability Management of Social Security Systems and Investment Policy.

The Muhanna Foundation

Strengthening Our Region’s Economies & Institutions Through Research, Education, & Capacity Building.